Sunday, June 8, 2008

Eating Egg Yolk to Grow Taller?

Eating Egg Yolk to Grow Taller

The best protein source you can eat is the YOLK of an egg. Egg yolk protein is the best protein source for height growth, its the ONLY protein source clinically proven to increase height growth. Its been shown to be able to increase height growth by as much as 25% faster than any other protein source known to man. The only use for milk is the calcium. The protein in it offers no benefit over any other protein. The study below compared milk protein with the YOLK protein from a hens egg. Only the YOLK protein has this incredible benefit for height growth. I highly recommend you purchase a WHOLE egg protein powder, that being one that contains the egg yolk and egg whites. You wont be able to find a protein powder of just egg yolk, so a whole egg protein powder will suffice.

See for yourself!

Effects of Egg Yolk Proteins on the Longitudinal Bone Growth of Adolescent Male Rats

Kang-Hyun LEEM1), Myung-Gyou KIM1), Hyun-Mi KIM2), Mujo KIM3), Young-Ja LEE4) and Hye Kyung KIM5)

1) College of Oriental Medicine, Semyung University

2) Department of Pharmaceutical Laboratory, Central Research Institute, Ilyang Pharm Co.

3) Pharma Foods International Co.

4) Pusan Regional Office, Korea Food and Drug Administration

5) Department of Food and Biotechnology, Hanseo University(Received March 12, 2004)(Accepted July 14, 2004)

Hen egg is a nutritional store for a new life. We examined the effect of egg yolk proteins on longitudinal bone growth in the rat. Protein fractions from egg yolk were tested. Milk protein, casein, was used as a control. The bone growth rate was significantly increased by yolk water-soluble protein (YSP, 100 mg/kg) administration for 5 d. The bone morphogenetic protein-2 immunostaining of growth plate was also increased. Considering the results, YSP can be used as a growth-promoting factor.

Eating Egg Yolk to Grow Taller

You can download the full version of this study in PDF format here;

It shows the actual statistical results achieved in the study.


Arlene said...

If you can't find the powder, can you eat it scrambled, suuny-side up or down, boiled, or raw? Thnx for posting this. I want to be taller because people tease me of being short and it gets annoying.

jack said...

You are right that egg yolk have enough protein to gain height so we have a good answer to the question What to eat to grow taller